Call Us Now: 330-832-4642 | 330-494-8873
There is no specific time of year for homeowners to worry about bed bug infestations in Stark, Summit and Mahoning counties and the surrounding Ohio area. This is because bed bugs will hitch a ride to any environment that allows them to thrive. They slip into boxes, suitcases, bags of clothing, anything that you may bring into your home, and work their way to beds and cushions, where they settle in unbeknownst to you. At First Choice Pest, we know where to look for bed bugs and how to treat an infestation, so we get rid of the bugs and make certain they don’t come back. If you think you have bed bugs, call our experts now.
Preparation of a room for treatment is essential to the successful management of bed bugs.
This process is to be done in all rooms (except kitchens & bathrooms):